Learn How to Become Porn Free FOR GOOD
Do you want to beat your addiction? Are you tired of feeling shame and hiding this issue? Porn has very real effects on your life and relationships and we are on a mission to help thousands of other people free themselves from porn use and experience vulnerability and freedom with their spouse, parent or closest friend as they go through our 30 day program.
Who is this course for?
Anyone struggling with an addiction or compulsive behavior around watching pornography that would like to stop & learn how to introduce vulnerability into their relationships and feel the healing and freedom that comes from living a life free from porn use. We have programs specifically designed for those who are married, single and for teens.
How we Can Help You
We have created a comprehensive 30 day program to help you overcome this problem with porn, which includes:
How to bring this up to your spouse, parent or teammate (if you haven't already)
Understanding addiction, and how this one is different
Cleaning up your environment
How to overcome this with your spouse (married course)
Exercises for cultivating vulnerability and growth in your relationship
How to get through the first few months of getting off porn
Uncovering your past and discovering why you started watching porn initially
Dismantling the Porn Fantasy
What the industry is really like for those in it
Game plans for when things get tough
Strategies for rewiring your brain
How to examine your lifestyle and identify what changes are needed